Header image at the top of the Apartment Therapy home page for a special feature on artist, Elizabeth Sutton, whose work is full of vibrant, geometric shapes. This was the first of a series called "Starting Over."

An Instagram asset inviting followers to share their "starting over" story

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Elizabeth Sutton's artwork in the upper right corner (Image credit: Melanie Rieders)

Branded headshot design for an interview with Bridgette Thornton (Photo credit: Esteban Cortez)

Thornton's studio filled with paints, brushes, and her bright, botanical artwork. (Photo credit: Esteban Cortez)

Branded headshot of Jojo Fletcher of "The Bachelorette" for Apartment Therapy's series, "My First Apartment" 
(Photo credit: Jerritt Clark/Getty Images)

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Instagram story cover for an interview with Tavi Gevinson
Custom pull quotes to break up article text

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